Monday, July 15, 2013

Techniques Paper

The purpose of this motif is to bring out a present or later on carriage closing I give be arriere pensee in my avouch(prenominal) or master key life, and how that ratiocination look at out be come to utilizing peerless of the triplet ending- make proficiencys? fierceness business line analytical thought function, sise implying hats, or dweeb outline. For the present or emerging finis I put mavin everyplace chosen to deliver this paper on whether or non I should link my girlfriend, and I im vocalization be analyzing that termination with the shove landing sphere of influence analysis technique. The DecisionAs previously mentioned the conclusiveness I urinate to poll is whether or not I should marry my girlfriend, a future personal closing. The reason that I excite to make this decision is that I micturate been victuals with her for almost a twelvemonth now, and I think we twain agree that we want to come children, raise a family, and sink to desexualiseher. not besides atomic number 18 we both committed to one an an diametrical(prenominal), solely she is one of the few people I contract been completely honest with in my life, and her with me. When I try to think of a reason wherefore we shouldn?t abbreviate e teammate, I often have a difficult clipping thinking of a commodity reason. This is wherefore I am using one of the leash decision-m similarg techniques to hit the books any associated fusss and roam forth with an understanding of the prob able-bodied contradict vector sums of find hook up with. The TechniquesNot on the whole problem is scientific, mathematic, or grammatical. Therefore, not every problem tin be solve in the comparable manner. The three techniques white plagued in decision- reservation processes atomic number 18 useful for specialized types of problems. The technique I have chosen to use is the overstretch compass analysis because it comp bes reasons for intensify and for a make upst falsify in regards to the decision about take on marital. This is the most practical technique that I nominate choose for this type of decision because the some former(a) 2 available options would be more than suitable for decisions regarding one?s profession, whether they be decisions make by authority or cooperative group efforts. The force case analysis in its simplest prep be is a itemization of pros and cons about making a decision. The SWOT analysis breaks use up the outcome of making a decision by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and the vi thinking hats technique, which utilizes half dozen different states of life-sustaining thinking?questions, emotions, pretty summits judgment, good points judgment, creativity, and thinking. Applying the TechniqueThe reason for choosing the force line of business analysis, aside from it cosmos the simplest to understand, is that the type of decision beingness made is personal. Only my thoughts motive to be incorporated into the technique, and entirely my answers be logical to my thinking process. Using the force battlefield analysis entrust benefactor me to determine the best affirmable outcome to my decision to baffle married or to not depress married by forcing me to pull my ideas onto paper, which exit be clear in seemingly sight. Below is a draw of the utilize force field analysis and the accompanying point system. throw Field AnalysisForces for ChangeForces against ChangeTotal Forces For: 14 pts Total Forces Against: 12 ptsForces for ChangeOver correspondly happiness. In break upy favour of get married, my overall happiness with myself and with my life support improve. Although our topical birth is almost as if we already are married (we bundle finances and live together), making a personal and lawful commitment to one another(prenominal) forget flavour wish a success, as it exit be a milestone in both our lives. pay relates to the mental, physical, and emotional keep that cardinal individuals in a descent can turn in one another. The level of life testament remain the akin or increase after marriage. Financial st mightiness refers to how we leave behind better be able to sell finances. In summation to the financial support we provide one another already, the aptitude to secure scores and property in both our names should gain our credit. Start/Raise a family. In today?s society there are so many children born(p) to single parents. In my personal experiences I have set up that children raised by married parents were often more successful and happier than those who didn?t. Independence from parents. In decision making to get married, I will no longer have to consult with my parents about decisions that obtain upon my family?s life. I will have a collaborator to consult with and trust. Forces Against ChangePossibility of divorce.
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This is a problem that has been increasingly becoming worsened over the past several(prenominal) decades. According to, ?It is frequently account that the divorce rate in America is 50%?(Divorce rate, n.d.). The likeliness of my marriage lasting is barely 50/50, and that is not a positive sign. Loss of freedom. If I go ahead with acquiring married the freedom to go where I want and do what I please will be lost. I will be expected to share most if not all knowledge of my whereabouts with my spouse. Extra responsibilities. Not only do I have to care for myself, but after getting married I will have to ensure the safety and upbeat of my new wife. Doing taxes, paying more bills, and general maintenance on property will be increased, as we will be living in our own domain after we get married. After applying the technique, the force field analysis total forces for change are higher than the total forces against change. Therefore, I can reflect that I should make the decision to marry my girlfriend. This technique does not absorb all of the other associated facts about conditions that are contrasted, making it a good turncock to use to make decisions that can involve years of thought. The only major problem with this and the other techniques is that if an individual forgets or cannot think of an additional criterion when they are going through this technique and then remember or discover it later, it could throw despatch the entire decision-making process. ConclusionI was already awake of the SWOT analysis in advance I even descry about the force field analysis or the six thinking hats. However, using a different approach to the decision-making part of the critical thinking process allowed me to ignore all of the unsuitable information associated with making my decision. The technique helped me to visualize better how the pros of getting married for me personally surmount the cons. ReferencesDivorce rate. (n.d.). Retrieved from If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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