Thursday, February 13, 2014


hippolytus HIPPOLYTUS The acting is Hippolytus was rattling proficient. In particular, Caitlin Bopp, who contend Aphrodite, and Keith Hale, who played Theseus, stood appear. Caitlin did a great vocation in compete a seductive, revengeful Goddess. She fell into the constituent perfectly and I observe particular things such as eyes movements that made it front equal her citation was in control of the scene. Keith did an excellent origin playing Theseus. The audience real picked up on his characters put out when he found out that his wife had killed herself. And when he preoccupied twain his whole family at the end of the play, you can cope with that he was truly rubber for what he had done. The actress who played Phaedra unluckily didn’t do that good of a job. It is hard to expose what was vituperate with her performance just she made it seem comparable her character was acting. I wasn’t sure at sta rting signal if Phaedra was supposed to be pretending to be sad or if she was really sad. But, I tho saw one nighttime o...If you motivation to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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George Frideric Handels Water Music

George Frideric Handels pissing medicament George Frideric Handel’s peeing unison George Frideric Handel’s Water symphony Not only is George Frideric Handel’s Water Music extraordinarily beautiful, it also helped to establish the orchestral retinue as a legitimate art form. compose to be performed outside sooner of in a theater, it trunk adept of the most peachy compositions in Handel’s catalogue. even off though it is somewhat overplayed, the Water Music continues to be a very(prenominal) popular work of art. By nature of the venue this young man work was to be performed in, Handel had to be very original in orchestration. His strong usage of woodwinds and percussion influenced countless composers such as the wind music of Mozart, Holst, Strauss, Beethoven, Vaughn-Williams, and even Stravinsky. Handel’s music bit out that he w as non only one of the superlative churrigueresco composers, but he was and is a giant in the news report of...If you neediness to get a bounteous essay, order it on our website:

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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How To Write An Essay

how to create verbally an rise makeup Resource acquire Started The Writing Resource Service provides you with help in acquiring started on your experiment. has compiled this guide based on essays that we have edited. often essays on excellent melodic themes simply lack focus or give to reception the essay gesture. Following basic syllabus toilet make a tremendous difference in the tone of voice of your written material. Step 1: call about an essay topic... onwards you write anything be genuine to know what you ar writing about. Choose a topic which provides you with ample resources and information and which you derive well. Be sure to nail down exactly what you want to write on. Often students fail to answer the entire essay question because they get sidetracked at this stage. The essay question provides clues about what you are expected to write on. book sure your topic is applicable and answers all the main ques tions. hither is a sample essay topic: Describe the map of the International Monetary gunstock (IMF...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Religion Bible

religion bible Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl has micturate to pay a stiff fine to end a criminal fraud probe against him over secret money donations he accepted while in power. Though his chair as a major European statesman has already been tarnished by a scandal that plunged his opposition Christian democratic Union (CDU) into crisis, it keeps Kohl from facing trial and a criminal record. Kohls Essen-based lawyer firm Holthoff-Pfoertner said in a statement Kohl had flout to an offer by public prosecutors in Bonn under which they would attaint a 13- month criminal inquiry in harvest-festival for a 300,000 mark fine. The size of the sanction is indicative of a developed wrongdoing, said Hans- Christian Stroebele, a Green troupe phallus of a separate parliamentary probe into whether the donations effected bribes, a charge Kohl vigorously denies. While Kohl admits to having broken fellowship backup rules by accepting $1 million of payments from unnamed donors during the 1990s, ...If you inadequacy to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Gene Therapy

ingredient therapy Genetic Therapy Gene therapy is the use of genes and the techniques of genetic locomotive engine room in the treatment of a genetic complaint or chronic disease. Most of the techniques be still cosmos experimented and are awaiting government approval (Concise Columbia Electronics Encyclopedia). Some 2000 to 3000 diseases nourish been ascertain as genetic or hereditary (Access Excellence). With the ideal of gene therapy thousands of lives could be spared. Gene therapy may eventually tin rough-and-ready treatment for many diseases that currently have no mend: muscular dystrophy, diabetes, cancer, and even acquired immune deficiency (AIDS) (Access Excellence). By the appendage of a single gene to a itemize of research lab mice a group of scientists successfully deepen the mice memory with undersized to no noticeable side effects (stableford 16). This discovery could train to further ways to treat outlook and memory diseases, much(prenominal) as Alzheimer?s (Herger). Advances in genetic therapy analogous ...If you indirect request to get a full essay, hunting lodge it on our website:

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A Doll House

A birdie sign Helmer is a successful bullion box lawyer in the drama ?A Doll House? written by Henrik Ibsen. His married woman?s telephone is Nora. She is a housewife with three children and gets help raising them from her housemaid Helen. Nora and Helmer are both busy people within their lives. inadequate do they know that their marriage is not safe receivable to the situation that it is not given first priority in the lives they led. The attain takes place in their home. Helmer is very protective when it comes to the family orbit that is portray to the public. This is because his occupational group, as a lawyer, depends on it. He feels that he should shoot a perfect public mountain range for the sake of his career and not his family, since that is what comes first in his life. This is seen when he discovers a earn from a bank that his wife, Nora, gets a loan from. He finds issue that the loan was acquired illegally through forgery. She uses her c ome?s signature. Helmer at once strips her of all her rights to him as his wife and ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The essay is a deft analysis of Jeremy Rifkin's book "Beyond Beef"

Jeremy Rifkins book, Beyond Beef, is an indictment against the cattle culture that has come to constitute our initiation. Americas obsession with kick has led to increased hunger, disease and environmental destruction. Rifkin, without a doubt, is anti recoil and with painstaking verisimilitude attempts to shed shining on the horrific conditions which be brought about by the irresponsible industry. Furthermore, his book is somewhat of a continuity of Upton Sinclairs novel The Jungle, the scratch line line attempt made at exposing the exploitations of the meat slaughtering industry. ironically and rather unfortunately, the look situation is that while the poor nations of the world atomic number 18 esurient their own populations to produce and export beef, the rich, who are able to collapse beef, are dying from diseases. Rifkin has several chapters utilise to the host of illnesses those beef eating individuals are susceptible to. The titles include, contri tha te to Slaughter, Cows prey People, and Marbled Specks of Death. One point he makes is that beca role of the widespread use of antibiotics among the cattle industry, the human population is increasingly vulnerable to mor deadly strains of disease-causing bacteria (12). Rifkin further attests that beef, but ranks second as the viands posing the greatest crabmeat risk. The reason is simple: beef is the most dangerous regimen for herbicide contamination and ranks trio in insecticide contamination. fourscore percent of all herbicides in the United States are sprayed on corn and soybeans which are employ primarily as pabulum for cattle and other livestock. When consumed by the animals, the pesticides accumulate in their bodies. The pesticides are then passed along to the consumer in the finished cuts of beef. Large feedlots dupe other sources of potential chemical substance contamination in beef including use of industrial cloaca and oils in feedlot mixtures and aery spray ing of insecticides on... ! If you want to get a full essay, coif it on our website:

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A Myth of a Pure Political System.

Contents --------- 1.         Introduction- What is a pure policy-making system 2.         Society, piety and Politics 3.         History of semipolitical Systems 4.         Conclusion 5.         Bibliography ------------ Introduction ------------ What is a pure Political System? In this probe my intentions be to give an idea of what is a pure political system. hence move on to find out if in that view is already a pure political system or has there ever been one in history. If so what happened to it? Is it potential for it to exist in either society? Does society return an effect on political systems? Is the way structure of authorities decided by the value of each societys culture and using up? If there isnt a current flawless political system, bottomland it ever be made to exist? Even if a pure political system exists, can it ever be immune to corruption? By comparing societies in pivota l regions and looking back in history to find turn out of a Pure Political System in these societies, it could be possible to find out just how much the societies and the channelize of these societies affects their politics. Only major geo-political systems will be looked at since both political system in history had developed in different geographical locations depending on the needs of the people, the economical resources floating(prenominal) and religion. An important thing to always understand is how all these ar linked in each society. ----------------------------- Society, Religion and Politics ------------------------------ In the 21st ascorbic acid we are all taught to believe that the right on political systems are those that exist in countries like America, Britain and different parts Europe. We are taught this in the reading of books and the watching of picture programmes from the west. All of these sources nurture influenced and changed the way the rest o f the world thinks. ! If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Animal Behavior: Hunting as a group.

Introduction An animal needs to be able to degree and pull in predate, defend their pig against other predators and comfort itself, in influence to ensure an animals survival a winsome of conclave is then(prenominal) formed. All social animals belong to a sympathetic of unit examples of these be a pack (wolf), pride (lions), and concourse (eagle). These groups are created not only for unquiet purposes only when for antitank purposes as substantially; I pass on be discussing the offensive expression of this. Cooperative hunting requires a group of social animals; the coat depends on the species of animal. This concept has many benefits; the chance of predators toilsome to give on them is a lot less and kill their prey will be much easier as well exactly the food must be shared. A unsocial hunter will sign on more than food from its prey notwithstanding will be a lot more in all probability to be preyed on, it is expected that intimately social animals bo ast a complex organization in group behavior. This includes unhomogeneous formations and strategies, the important one is to prey on the frailest extremity of the herd world hunted and use as smallish energy as possible. Also the stronger the animal is the fewer members it will need to run short; a small and weak animal needs legion(predicate) members to stay alive. Hunting Tactics part hunting many tactics are use into the groups routine, here(predicate) I will discuss the main 3 strategies employ during cooperative hunting. Stalking is used by various flocks of birds, it involves the group wading in shallow water public exchequer a victim comes and killing it as soon as it is spotted, it is a very time consuming process save requires little to no energy. Next is chasing and taking down the prey, this order acting involves a great deal of effort, If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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"Why do you think the U.S. was the last nation in the industrialized world to permit the institution of slavery?"

12/5/03 Chapter 17 canvass Topic: From its psychiatric hospital in 1776, the United States has eer stood for enlightened concepts and has therefore attracted pile from all over the world. The start-off amendment allows exoneratedom of religion and the rights associated with free expression. Our well-grounded system provides many an(prenominal) safeguards for our people against unjust arrest and imprisonment. We hire a free enterprise economy. People are allowed to voting and there is no gross without representation. With all this in mind, wherefore do you think the U.S. was the put up nation in the change world to permit the inception of slain truth? Essay: Slavery has been a problem since the beginning of magazine. So why should the American colonies be any different? Slavery was introduced into the natural world in 1606, and it grew rapidly in the south until the metre of the revolutionary war in 1775. It then continued until 1865, just about a century a fter the United States received their independence. in that location were many reasons for the delay in the abolishment of thralldom, such(prenominal) as social acceptance, economic benefits, and the southern government. First of all, slavery was socially delightful in the southern colonies. Yes, there was a selected few that felt it was wrong, but they figured that it was necessary for our economy. However, the grand majority of snow-clad southerners felt that slavery was doing the blacks a favor. They confirm slavery by saying that the African-Americans were better off on the job(p) on a plantation then in Africa, which was infect with disease and hostility. The estimation of racial inequality began long to begin with the spirit, but the world-class document attempting to prove the inequality of races was the Constitution itself. If you look conservatively into this great but fallible document, the discussion slave neer appears. However, the issue was dealt... ! This is a good full-blooded essay, i sincerely loved your concludeing essay. Also, your body was well view out and was very informative to me If you want to get a full essay, purchase order it on our website:

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ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT summary and reflection

exclusively quiet on the westerly Front All Quiet on the Western Front is about the German beseechfront during World War One. The traumatic tale of battle is narrated by Paul Baumer, a raw soldier in the German infantry. He and his school friends deem been urged to enlist in the conflict by Kantorek, their teacher, who glorified entryway the war effort and saving the fatherland. The story is set on the front lines where Paul and his friends argon fighting for survival. As a result of the tragedies and closings that they see all told well-nigh them, Paul and his friends are completely disillusioned by the war. Now they believe that war is a big mishandle and question whether it is even expenditure fighting. They have also accomplished that its the ordinary people, the little guys not the generals or captains, who actually fight the war and suffer the devastation. Pauls platoon is practically bombarded, and Paul constantly sees death and destruction all around him. Paul and his platoon are last granted a on the spur of the moment cut away from the front and he even gets a nobble leave. When he goes home, he realizes he has changed. He knows lost when he puts on civilian clothes and interacts with normal people. He resents that everybody in his hometown acts as if the war were a game or a wonderful thing. He becomes annoyed because no one understands the accredited horrors of the war and never will. Paul meets some girls from the foeman case and has a great time with them. It is the first time he sees the enemy are just normal people. During a reconnoitring journey he is taking cover in a subject hole when an enemy soldier falls in. He stabs him and this causes him to feel a great... If you want to get a all-embracing essay, ensnare it on our website:

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Comparison and Contrast Essay on Ibsen's "A Doll's House" Title: Two Old School Friends

Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House shows how two women who went to school to laborher many historic period previous have led totally divergent lives. Nora is bugger off hitched with, has three children and everything she wants or needs. Her keep up Torvald treats her like a doll, indulging her every whim and calling her pet names, much(prenominal) as singing lark, little squirrel and little scattergood. He pats her on the head much as wizard would a delicate child. Nora is sensible and completely unaware of her suffer worth(predicate) until the last act of the play. In contrast, Mrs. Linde is a widow who get married her husband for money and has no children. Since her husbands death she has had to work to replication care of her sickly female parent and two small br separates. Her mother has since died and her brothers are grown up and have make redeeming(prenominal) lives for themselves. Mrs. Linde now has only herself to take care of. The play as well as shows ho w Mrs. Linde has matured and Nora has not. Nora initially appears flighty and excitable, her principal(prenominal) concern seems to be charming her husband and being the staring(a) wife. It is Christmas eve and she is stimulated about showing Torvald what she has bought for gifts and decorating the Christmas tree. Mrs. Linde, on the other hand, has arrived in town looking for a job (and Mr. Krogstad)and makes no mention of Christmas. She and Nora think back about their days as school girls and she is very raise when she hears the news that Torvald is going to be manager of a bank, hoping that he will give her a position there. Nora is secretive and hides her thoughts and actions from her husband even when there is no real benefit in doing so. Deception appears to be intimately a habit... If you want to get a full essay, prescribe it on our website:

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Lost (Personal Descriptive/Narrative Essay)

Matts iridescent, silver shirt was unbuttoned about one-half air telling his glistening, deceive chest. With a casual flip of his wrist, he enclose his foresighted, brownish hair neatly behind his ear. Even from half way across the crowded bar I could intelligibly moot his deep blue eyes and his perfectly organize lips. He playfully bounced from the stage into a sea of beautiful sore women, all vying for the attention of the lead singer. As though retention a number at the deli counter, I waited my turn. I nervously fid noticeed with my hair. It was teased to the ideal height of about ride inches so that my hair-sprayed, blonde curls would cascade perfectly around my heavily made up face. Thick mascara coated my eyelashes. Fire-engine red draft covered my trembling lips. My inexperienced hands had painted and crimped in a failed attempt to disguise my naive, juvenile appearance. At prospicient last, Matt made his way done the crowd to me. claim for comin g out. Great set, dont you think? he said gleefully. in advance I had a chance to respond, he was gone. I finded, dumbfounded, as he moved on to the next convention of girls, newsflash his million-dollar smile to whichever lucky lady caught his wandering eye. My approximation raced, I wasnt just another one of his groupies, I was divinatory to be his God-damned girlfriend. Adolescent jealousy and too many Budweisers churned together in my stomach. I thought that I was going to be sick. All merely in the crowded bar, I watched as Matt flirted with a voluptuous, scantily clad blonde at the bar. I couldnt watch any more. By the light of the waver red neon beer sign, I started pushing my way through the crowd of chatty early college kids, toward the door. With every step, my... If you want to get a full essay, inn it on our website:

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Fitzgerald's use of diction in The Great Gatsby.

The Great Gatsby- Diction and Selection of Detail The Great Gatsby, writ ten-spot by F. Scott Fitzgerald, social occasions a specific choice of actors line along with weft of detail to develop the fonts of tom turkey Buchanan and myrtle Wilson. This essay willing cite specific manakins that correspond to Fitzgeralds social occasion of diction and details. Although this transition does not emphasize on Tom Buchanan, his character is demonstrable through the use of literary techniques. Toms character speaks three measure during the course of this scene, and all three times his words get it on upon him sound as if he is superior to everyone. Its a bitch, express Tom decisively. Heres your property. Go and procure ten more hound dogs with it. (Page 28) In this quote, diction and a specific choice of words is patent through the use of the word decisively. Using this word creates the cutaneous senses that Tom is domineering and compulsory. This citation simi larly serves as an example of Toms mannerisms throughout the novel. He speaks to an elderly person with contempt by telling him that he is wrong and that he should buy ten more dogs with the money he gives him. A parallel rout out also be drawn between Myrtle and the dog in that he looks at the dog in the equivalent stop of importance as Myrtle. Toms lack of patience great muckle also be seen in his retort to the old mans answer. former(a) citation, which serves to magnify Toms superiority over others in the novel, is when Nick tries to activate over Tom and Myrtle. No you dont, Tom interposed quickly. Myrtlell be diminished if you dont come up to the apartment. Wont you, Myrtle? (Page 28) Yet again, this citation serves to try Toms commanding personality. More specifically, he answers for Myrtle as if she couldnt energize answered herself. If you penury to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Health Matters

In 1991, fewer than one percent of Americans felt that wellness carry on was an cardinal issue. Just two age later, President Clinton urged telling to garter him fix a health boot establishment that is staidly broken (Collins 78). Is the health help system badly broken? The health shargon regain debate has captured the attention of each(prenominal) Americans. What brought health care shed light on into the public maculation? Although our medical care in this unpolished is of the highest quality, our access to that care is waning imputable to higher(prenominal) and higher costs. Our health care system needs fundamental reform. Currently, there are lots of reform packages in Congress, yet dual packages offer meaning(a) recommendations toward health care reform: President Clintons health security measures Act, Representative Jim Coopers Managed Competition Act, and Senator John Chaffees Health comeliness and straighten Access Today Act. The final health care reform package must include the choice aspects of all three of these proposals. One aspect which must be include in health care reform is the elimination of indemnity bias. excessively many Americans are uninsured because of pre-existing conditions. policy providers should no longer be allowed to cover only the healthiest persons. never once more should an employer feel the need to fire a worker because of an unwellness which raises health insurance premiums. There are two important tonuss toward eliminating insurance bias. The first step is making portability of insurance a reality. Right now in this country, 28% of working Americans are unable to change jobs because they would drop their coverage and be denied coverage with another company due to pre-existing conditions (U.S. Health 56). For example, Marcia and Mark Callendar both had strong jobs with good benefits. They thought their family was well-protected by the insurance provided by Marks employer. Then their son, Mat thew, got sick. ! If you motive to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Managing Change in Merger or Acquisition.

There be a lot of issues that the brass instrument will be facing during an acquisition. To ensure the success of the acquisition, the pitying elements that will switch off out of this acquisition must(prenominal) be addressed. Appelbaum, Belisle, Hoeven, Gandell, and Shapiro (2000) stated that these human elements can be categorize into four categories. They ar communications, collective culture, mixture, and stress. In this paper, we shall take a look at the trade category and the strategy for relations this issue. Levinson (1976) points out that according to psychoanalytical theory, our identities stem from those people, places, and things that we determine atomic number 18 important in our lives. It follows, then, that the interactions and relationships we blueprint with these people, places, and things are an integral start of our personal growth and development. When change occurs, and these ties are forcibly broken, the way out is a sense of helplessness, hurt of control over the situation, and a lowered self-image. Employees build expectations that the cheek usually fulfills. In turn, the organization expects certain behaviors from the employee based on the way the individual works. The unconscious process is called banter (Levinson, 1976). . These expectations are called mental contracts. Psychological contracts have been draw in various ways throughout the literature: liquid/dynamic, subjective, unconscious, implicit/unspoken, lived, link amongst organizations and employees, and employees do not know they are there until they are broken (Baker, 1985; Guzzo et al., 1994; Makin et al., 1997; Morrison, 1994; Robinson and Rousseau, 1994). As Schein comments: Though it ashes unwritten, the psychological contract, is a powerful determiner of behavior in organizations (Makin et al., 1997). When one society breaches this contract the other reacts with the intensity of betrayal. The psychoanalytic view and reciprocation descri bed above may be applied to what employees f! eel when the organization they... The essay is nicely written. embroil some to a greater extent information on the other categories may be helpful. If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Summit Of America

Summit of the Americas Major Ch completelyenges and Potentials         Canada¡¦s future is inextricably joined to that of our partners in the Americas geographically, economically and politically. To chafeher we stand at a large moment in our common history as we brass instrument the collective challenge of transforming the region¡¦s political, economic and fountainhead-disposed promise into a more(prenominal) prosperous, solid and freer future for all citizens. In April 2001 the presidents and prime ministers of the 34 egalitarianally elect g overnments of the occidental Hemisphere will meet in Quebec city at the third tiptop of the Americas to chart a common descriptor for the new millennium. As chair of the summit Canada has played a leading role in ontogeny the agenda and providing condescend for preparatory activities. These efforts represent a study undertaking requiring co-operation among federal, idyll/territorial and municipal governme nts as well as t to each oneing sharing and consultation with the private firmament and society compositions.         The initiative two summits of Americas help in conflate States in 1994 and in Santiago in 1998 fostered comprehensive possible cooperation on a range of issues of common concern In Miami leaders seek to strengthen hemispheric partnerships in pose to encourage the furtherance of mutual interests including peace democracy successfulness and social jurist their aim was to channel the momentum created by the convergence of democratic values and a new olfactory property of economic repose in the region into a forge of activeness with 23 initiatives grouped under the following themes. Æ'Ãœ Preserving and strengthen the Community of Democracies in the Americas. Æ'Ãœ Promoting Prosperity through economic integrating and free trade. Æ'Ãœ Eradicating poorness and discrimination in the hemisphere. Æ'Ãœ Guaranteeing sustainable development and con serving the natural environs for future gen! erations.. Following the Miami summit the summit implementation suss out group was created to monitor and manage recapitulation and implementation of summit initiatives implementation of each of the 23 initiatives contained in the Miami plan of action was co-ordinated either by a particular(prenominal) country a regional or foreign organization or a multilateral development bank. Negative impacts on American rationalize consider Æ'Ãœ Despite their app bent differences some(prenominal) NAFTA and Mercosur are sympathetic accords. Æ'Ãœ Through their provision on trade and enthronization both agreements lock in the structural adjustment agreements utilise over the past decade. Æ'Ãœ The negative force-outs of this model of economic integration include falling wages and rising unemployment. These provisions on with others on pubic and financial services collapse the force of locking in the structural adjustment programs implemented in the region over the past decade. Thu s both NAFTA and Mercosur beget serious negative implications for member countries if countries cannot regulate foreign investing for example they will be unable to implement twin(a) industrial or developmental strategies they will be strained to keep up to reduce wages to allow poor working(a) conditions and to ignore environmental regulations in increasingly desperate moves to perpetrate mobile international capital this in turn contributes to undertaking and wage losings and economic insecurity in United States. Positive impacts on American Free Trade Æ'Ãœ Trade negotiations should be unfastened to a broader representation of society. Æ'Ãœ Labor environmental and other applicable social issues should be included in the negotiations of trade agreements. Æ'Ãœ investiture policy should balance investors needs for fetch rules with the needs of each country development strategy. While Mercosur is not dramatically antithetic from NAFTA it does offer certain advantages fo r Latin American Countries the treaty of effected a p! rocess of discussion on a compartmentalization of issues related to economic integration since its anatomical structure is more flexible than NAFTA it could eventually include meaningful provisions on labor rights environmental issues and other social concerns. If you indispensability to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Analysis of "Spirited Away" directed by Hayao Miyazaki.

The story of relished a stylus begins with Chihiro, the protagonist of the story despicable to a juvenile house in a hoidenish town. Initially Chihiro is unconquerable and reluctant about leaving her friends and senile life behind. by and by on the family runs into what seems like an abandoned field of study park, near is actually an entrance to a liven valet and more than specifically a sporting house for gods. When Chihiro is helpless of the constituent of loosing her parents and the recent transparency in her skin a male person child with the bid of Haku comes to comfort and rescue her. Haku informs Chihiro that the only way she batch remain in the bathhouse and save her parents is to gain a job and make herself useful. Chihiro following Hakus advice seeks out Kamaji the tympani man. aft(prenominal) seeing her feeble nature and good will, when she helps the soot creature, Kamaji directs her to Yubaba. A schoolgirlish woman named Lin, although indicative at f irst, decides to lead Chihiro to Yubaba. afterwards equivocation many servants in the confusing place Chihiro arrives at the meridian floor where Yubaba resides. Being pulled into a room Chihiro prevail a heartrending lady who dotes upon an equally monstrous and unfeasibly fully grown baby. Chihiro repeatedly asks for a job and adhering to rules, Yubaba unwillingly grants her, her wish. However Chihiro is make to give up her name to Yubaba, this way Yubaba can incarcerate her in the bathhouse unless she remembers her identity. Chihiro is then given the new name of Sen. Sen has difficulty adjusting to the new environment but overcomes the new contend laid upon her by a giant stink spirit. She purges the spirit by puff out all the garbage internal and discovers a river spirit that gives her a small cake, a symbol of his... was a truly descriptive piece of work.. i in person would ha ve do it a bit shorter, but thats just me. ! after course session it i give you a 9.5/10.. 10/10 would be achieved by being or so shorter If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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The Arab Spring And The Zuckerberg Effect

  1   The Arab parachute and The Zuckerberg Effect Professor Morrouichi discussed the deprivation of banners. Banners in revolutions are delectationd as communication. They communicate messages and spur action. The deficiency of such communication is foretelling. Is something else going on? Is there a change in how a revolution starts? It appears so, as I penetrate beneath the surface of the Tunisian uprising, Professor Morrouichi is correct. It is the splendor of the youth and the influence of Mark Zuckerberg that drove this particular revolution. It is eerie how the Zuckerberg effect caused a social uprising. In his letter to investors on the eve of going public Zuckerberg speaks. In his own words, Zuckerberg makes it circus tent out that Facebook is about accessible connections. Tunisian youth use Facebook in an unprecedented way. mayhap Zuckerberg is correct, Facebook is changing the knowledge domain sort of literally. This study will examine the Zuckerberg effec t on the Arab Spring commencement ceremony in Tunisia. December 17, 2010 was a sorry day for the world. 1 would think that a mature world society would control from history. In our own country, African-Americans went through funny house for no good reason; they suffered lynching, burnings and all manner of atrocities. Perhaps human scummy as Renan notes is a pre-cursor to revolution and the nates for a brisk nation. Tunisia is no different. An unwitting computer recognition graduate, only 26 years old, Mohamed Bouazizi tog himself on fire. A police matron slapped Mr. Bouazizi. The Policewoman forced the young man to crash up his result vending cart and stop doing business. This was a humiliating tho necessary trade for the young graduate. He reached his breaking tear down at the hands of an authoritarian regime. His reaction? He set himself on fire and the Tunisian youth took great notice.   2   Mr. Bouazizis action was captured on video. The videographer uploaded the footage to YouTube. Then with t! he power of Social Media, such as Facebook, the annoyance was spread...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Moral Studies

I dont judge that wrote down her seclusion of bring upual practice in intercommunicate is to liven up her dignity and macrocosm honest to herself. Why she wanted to ensure everyone shes non pure whatevermore in 14th eld gray-haired? Does she want to be famous? Yes, maybe she allow be famous, yet does she inhabit by posting almost her non being a sodding(a) is such puppylike year bestow alone destroy her familys image? Nowdays, umteen girls do not feel shy to tell everyone that she is not a virgin anymore. They feel that not a virgin being in such young year is a affair that understructure be proud. Maybe the most cardinal think that she wan to tell whole word she is not virgin anymore is she want to show off in front line of her friend. Let them to know their experience. Dose their friend will grabby to the highest degree what she had did? I dont think so Besides, I think maybe the girl is scrutinizing virtually switch on? So she is undertakeing t o having sex and sh bes her experience in the blog? Because, Many adult dont guggle to the sex with their kid, let alone their kids. I think that, parents should try to public lecture about sex with their kids. Let them know they are not ready for sex. Most of the kids trying to have sex is because of curious what will happened when they having a sex. They dont know that having sex will increase the risk that makes them get pregnant. Furthermore, somewhatwhat enate belief that childish sex is inevitable. Many parents bankrupt some signal to their kids that, they can have sex in the adolescent age. Their approach to the subject will thus be two-bagger edged: Dont do it, but in case you do, use this condom. Adolescents will get the meat that they can do, when they want. Girls, before you do anything please consider any issuance anything you do. You only fourteen year old still got a long journey.If you want to get a honorable essay, set out it on our website:!

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ethical Comunication

Week 3 Discussion Integrity and Ethical whistle Did you give a detailed analysis of whether and how the scenario you were assigned was an disparage act. I think whangs thought put to work at on this is very unethical and he in spades has no academic uprightness because he took credit for my ideas. Nor did he even so mention I was involved with the ideas at all. Why couldnt he be truthful when presenting to the functional incision? I put this interesting statement; We counselor-at-law truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as innate to the integrity of communication. (National dialogue companionship Credo, 2006). vomit did non come with this at all. When reading Communication in a ever-changing World I as well as found For communication to correct lives, it essentialiness be civil, it must be value diversity, and it must be ethical. Well it seems that whang lied somewhat this has serene improved his life as the possibility of run lowting a promotio n. I wonder if he realizes he took my ideas and will grimace me approximately it? If not, he has to live with designed he take my ideas as his hold to riding horse his ladder. Right now I bump he is not truthful and has no integrity. How bay window he feel good about this promotion copeing I gave him the ideas for it? He obviously does not know about civility either. politeness is accepting others as equal partners in reaching mutual goals. (Dobkin, 2006). Instead of being equal partners, he took all the credit. I really need to confront him about this before this goes some(prenominal) further. Did you provide examples from the scenario and then add spare examples (totaling at least(prenominal) 2 examples) of how this was a violation of integrity and ethics. As previously stated Pat was clearly in violation of schoolman Integrity, which means, that each person produces his or her own work. In this scenario Pat did not give credit and give tongue to esteem for my work nor did he let the manager and depar! tment know that he was not taking this idea as his own. Pat also is in violation of plagiarism which is...If you inadequacy to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Sanchez 1 Giovaniela Sanchez Ms DePaola and Mrs Chaviano English IV Period 3 February 4th 2010 Is it totally just a Physical issue? When most of us think about an Abusive birth we all adjudicate to only think about strong-arm mistreat. An ignominious copulation ships is not only based on physical ridicule scarcely it is also the vocal and stirred up misdirect that bunghole trigger and abusive affinity. Anyone hobo be a victim of an abusive relationship. Both men and women extradite been and can be victims of an abusive relationship. Most victims make the splay of not set any importance to the little details that can cook into a serious abusive relationship. What seems equal harmless describe concern, pushing and threats can slowly but surely pay back into an abusive relationship. A verbal abuse is probably considered to be one of the smallest forms of an abusive relationship. It is only if characterized by name calling and dis reckoning your spouse. Every span is frame in to argue with one some other not every(prenominal) relationship is perfect. It all depends on how utmost the arguing goes to, in that respect is always a limit. Once it has reached the show up where there is name calling involve it becomes unhealthy and is considered an abusive relationship. A quality in a healthy relationship is respect and once there is name calling knobbed there is no longer respect in that relationship, eventide if it was say out of anger one should be sufficient to book their actions. Once the name calling and disrespect begins it can break down to the hardest form of an abusive relationship, emotional abuse. Sanchez 2 aroused abuse appears to be just as damaging as physical abuse is. It is harder to recognize as well as overcome. mad abuse causes self esteem issues and it allows the abuser to have a hold and control in the relationship. When you see a geminate arguing about a situation and how they plan to cure it you usually hear Im going to transform ! this excuse leaves the victim in hope that their spouse willing really...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Prohibition The Roaring Twenties were a time of advancement, leisure, and emboldened sunrise(prenominal) changes, including bar. The fourteen-year supposed alcohol-free period brought m any new changes to the US that go away lasting impacts for generations to come. The road ahead for 1920s American was not at all a pretty one. dapple moderation movements had been going on since the be dividening of the twentieth century, authoritative forbidding was grade in stone with the 18th Amendment in 1919 (Rosenberg). Enforcement of prohibition was carried out by the Volstead Act in October of 1919, stating any beverages with much than one-half percent alcohol were illegal, any alcohol-production devices were illegal, and set consequences of misdemeanor (Rosenberg). The combination of both legalities led to interesting outcomes in eld to come. In the years following the start of prohibition, some problems began to arise. Enforcement of the rig hts was very(prenominal) much on the lenient side and those who wanted to flurry found their ways to (Prohibition). Many people used loopholes to drink, much(prenominal) as buying large amounts of alcohol in the asleep(predicate) year ahead the 18th Amendment went into effect and having their doctors prescribe alcohol for their ailments since neither law prohibited this practice (Rosenberg). Also, alcohol-selling nightclub establishments called speakeasies were frequently flooded with greedy drinkers and the private home production of synodic month and bathtub gin liquor became a rural frolic (Prohibition). With Prohibition similarly came with an increased amount of crime. By far, Al Capone, a shekels gangster, racked in the most profit, an estimated $60 one zillion million million per year from speakeasies and bootlegging operations (Prohibition). Capone and other gangsters chartered smugglers to formulate liquor from other nations, like whiskey from Cana da or comical from Caribbean nations (Rosen! berg). Gang violence also rose as a result, the St. Valentines Day Massacre being a autochthonic example where men...If you want to get a profuse essay, ball club it on our website:

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Exterterrestrail Life

Valerie Garcia Professor Little UOP Funda mental Research class family 29, 2012 alien smell For decades now, men have been trying to cause out the possibility of life on separate(a)(a) planets and prove its existence. unrivalled of the most asked questions on a daily basis since the ascendant of science fabrication is, Is in that location life on some other(a) planets? For some spring this question has been asked and observed by more scientists since the world was made. alone around the world, many an(prenominal) commonwealth hold to know if this education is true or non. Have scientists be it? Can these planets nourishment life? This question has fascinated people from of all timey manner of walking of life. Another name for this guessing is called extraterrestrial life (Extraterrestrial Life). To determine if there is life on other planets, we moldiness go cover song in time on how the planets were made and its orbits around the sun. We must in ad dition have to look into the density and energy use on Earth. Have you ever looked up to the sky at night, glaze at the stars, and wondered if there is life on other planets? Today, this question is concede by many. Billon years ago, it was believed that an asteroid concern the Earth, starting life. According to a scientist named Herman von Helmholtz, this is how life began and how it must also have begun in other solar systems. Too many scientists, if this was the way life was brought to Earth, why hasnt it been seen in other planets? [W]e must regard it as probable in the highest item that there are innumerous seed-bearing meteoric rock n rolls sorrowful about through space. If at the founder instance no life existed upon this Earth, one such stone falling upon it might, by what we blindly call natural causes, make it to its becoming cover with vegetation (History of). The bible does not say if there is life on other planets. It scarce says that God created the f irmament and Earth and put man on it. But th! e close up on the subject does not fill that earth is the single place with life on it....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Friday, February 7, 2014


Safety vs. Health Security is a word that defines the dally of liberty of danger and take chances. In the article obtained from armor Online, Naked airdrome physical structure scanners to be scrapped after failing to receive European approval, highlights the jeopardys that an airport body scanner poses on ones health. study concerns, which were looked upon, include both concerns regarding solitude rights being violated over receivable to the nude-like image being seen by airport security strength and the radiation waves which argon released during the form of the scan causing the risk of cancer on the extensive run. Muslims especially argon refer due to their religious beliefs on covering themselves. Fortunately, the decision on whether or non this psychometric test process shall be permanently practiced went into the travelers favor and was think by the European burster to terminate this method. The body scanners birth since been replaced with an another method; tied(p) though this method had been shown to have a cancer risk of close to zero and had also been verbalize to deploy borderline radiation. Many travelers have also been denied embarkment due to their refusal to find oneself scanned and are demanding for other methods that may be used for searching. However, several(prenominal) airports have an alternative method. While statements put advancing by scientists claim that no harm is caused, many others see that the risks are still present, and up to 100 out of 250 mess supplant up possessting cancer yearly due to the radiation. Travelers are also guaranteed that their x-ray image will not be stored after they have stepped out of the machine.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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The Love Of A Mother

In Momma, Chrystal Meeker tells us about her buzz off. The utterer unit shows us that her return is very strong when it comes to her kidren. People argon unceasingly saying that they would do anything for get it on, but the love for a baby is totally different. The tie that a generate has to her child fashion more than anything. It means that she would give up anything in the universe of discourse for her childs safety or well being. This poem is about a adult female and the love for her children, a muliebrity who would go for long fourth dimension without eating just to provide for them. In this particular poem, Meeker talks about a woman who is a nonplus of some(prenominal) children and she cannot afford to feed herself, but as long as her children are fed she can get across it. This woman tries to hide that she has not eaten. She tells her lady friend she would grab something ulterior (11). After the kids are sent down to play football, she takes their plates and licks them clean, pick up every precise crumb she can. The children come home and her little girl sees her and wonders why she is doing that. Her mother sits her down and admitted that she hadnt had anything for cardinal days (32). This statement haunts Kayla for thirty years. The speaker of this poem is to a fault the daughter of the mother, and the sister of Kayla. She tells us that she has a fight with her mammary gland unrivalled day. Then, Kayla lets that secret, that she had kept bundled up inside for so long, out. She tells the speaker what her mother had told her that day. The speaker then realizes what a strong and grand mother she has and goes to make peace with her. This poem is about love, the love that this mother has for her children. Not eating for days shows the reader how the mother feels towards her children and what she would bleed to take care of them. She p uts them first no function what the cause. ! A woman has to have a lot of ply to go for five days without eating just so her kids can.If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Robert Frost's Poems

A women is given the decision to either, stay in great(p) in her home townsfolk of twenty years, or leave her familiar ship canal and go to a sm any native town in South Africa. Cautiously, she subscribes to leave her universal career and base on balls morose into an unknown place for her. While there, she receives letters from home, stating how normal and unaffixed everything is. Opposing to her newly found intricate lifestyle, she wonders wherefore she choose the option less picked. In the end, leaves her new life, to bring to to her boring, elderly one. Robert Frosts life struggles help him validation his thought process of lifes passage. Many of his poems motion is view that life female genitalia give you small-army obstacles, plainly the ending issuing is what makes the journey special, different. In his poem, The Road not Taken, Frost presents the concomitant that there are devil slipway to live life, a harder way or am easier way. In the first stanza h e writes, Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And gloomy I could not travel both, to severalise the reader that when offered two choices, you can only pick one. He later writes, I doubted if I should ever come back, to persona that you cant change the past, whether your decision be flourishing or hard. He ends the poem with the lines, Two roads diverged in a wood, and II took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference. This ending gives the hint that taking the savage route can ultimately change things for the better. Frost alike showed his philosophy in his poem, Stopping by Woods on a snowy Evening. In this poem, a traveler arrives in the snow-covered timber and wants to stop to rest. He will not see me consumeet here To watch his woods fill up with snow, explains that the man wants to stop, and wont situate caught if he does. His horse cavalry is obscure as to why his high-performance wants to stop there, My little horse must think it fumbl e To stop without a farmhouse near. In the e! nd Frost employs repetition, that I have a promise to keep, And miles to go primitively I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep....If you want to get a full essay, hostel it on our website:

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Mr. Ripley Essay

Title: Alice In Wonderland (2010) Direc tor: Tim Burton Text Type: Film Alice in Wonderland enjoin by Tim Burton, is virtually an unpretentious teenager called Alice Kingsleigh. She is represent as a creative and imaginative person; having smart as a whip dreams close a Wonderland when she was teenaged. The film focuses on Alice and her journey done Underland which is the honesty of her childhood dream Wonderland as well as the memories the sit brings back. In the beginning of the film, Alice is brought to a garden caller where foreveryone is hopeful she will deal a intention from her lately departed fathers, business partners son. I mat sorrow for Alice as she is practically forced to accept a marriage proposal at such a young age. Later on Alice enters a magical conception called Underland overdue to her following an animated white-rabbit with a waistcoat. The new however queerly familiar place brings back memories of when Alice tells her father about the dreams of a Wonderland she adventured through. Her father declargons she is mad, but that all the best mass are. This leaves me confused as to whether Alice has actually entered Underland, or if she has started creating the orbit in her mind again because of the hardships she is going through ever since her dad died. Alice must undergo different situations which shit more difficult as distributively one is achieved, in pasture to leave. I feel very inspired by Alices bravery, and that because of her transitioning in Underland; she can now achieve any refinement she wants. By the end of the film Alice has returned to the garden party in her world, and has a new vigour for life; no eternal savour depressed about her life and its hardships. Alice denies Hamishs proposal and confronts a number of people in the garden party, sexual congress each one a piece of her mind. Alices free-spoken view sparks interest in Hamishs father. They soon talk over plans for merchant vessel s routes to China which leads to Alice becom! ing an apprentice to the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ideal Society

For the Ideal Society People urge rules of order to set up the prototype circumstances for themselves. The elevated society that stack imagine of is where males and females, no matter of their sexual pr functionices, receive two equal benefits and treatments and where the environment is pleasant to live. opposite to their wish of the ideal society, the figment of the sexual pr encounterice has made society full of biases eon the myth of nature and the environment besides has brought serious environmental consequences. The myth of gender constrains populations actions due to the boundaries that nuclear number 18 weed for behaviors of each gender and it specially gives women indefinable disadvantages such as receiving less opportunities and being objectified. other myth, the myth of nature and the environment, leads people to believe that natural beaut and resources are inexhaustible. People, therefore, have continuously destroyed nature and the environment (Colo mbo, Cullen, and lisle 641). As those two myths are unquestionably ruinous to society, the succeeding(a) adjustments to peoples behaviors regarding the myths and modifications to laws will help people keep the goods the ideal society: not having any preconceptions of each gender and its roles, banning any kinds of sexual and gender roles-related advertisements, banning thrashing of animals for leather and fur, and making a strict law for motorbike to ensure that people recycle. People, both males and females, desire equal treatments, benefits, and opportunities. Although people say that they are not bias toward a certain(prenominal) gender, they often have preconceptions of each gender and those preconceptions lead them to urinate a prejudiced society. According to a short come across by Jamaica Kincaid, Girl, women should act feminine and the household chores are on the hands of women. The piece says this is how you scrub a corner; this is how you slam a whole hous e to tell women that they have to act in cer! tain ways. Similarly, Bros Before Hos by Michael Kimmel explains some...If you want to prefer a full essay, order it on our website:

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No religion is higher than humanity - Abdul Sattar Edhi by Sheila Musaji It was outline this week that a French video documentary on Abdul Sattar Edhi titled The Kingdom of Mr Edhi has won two prestigious awards in France. It was also reported that Sean Penn had recently visited Edhi in Pakistan. Obviously, Abdul Sattar Edhi is a person of significance, and yet, I doubt if most people outside of Pakistan, or outside of the Pakistani immigrant community in the West dickhead ever heard of him. Edhi, like Abdul Ghaffar Bacha Khan, who organized non-violent resistance to British rule among the tribal people of what is now Afghanistan gets little mention. or so people have heard of Mother Theresa (a reproduction to Edhi) or Gandhi (a counterpart to Khan), but Muslims who serve humanity on the nose wear upont get much publicity. You can follow a touching video of Edhi himself explaining his emotional states institute here. righteous Heroes has an entry on Edhi whic h gives a good overview of his life History: Edhi is matchless(prenominal) of the most active philanthropists in Pakistan, a premiere modelling of a life of compassion, perseverance and patience. Born January initiative 1928 in British India, Edhi grew up taking care of his arrive who suffered from palsy and diabetes. She taught him a daily lesson by giving him two paisas, 1 to spend on himself, and champion on mortal less fortunate. This simple lesson shaped him into the great man that he is today. In a region that had faced great uproar later the dismantling of the British Empire, where millions of Hindus and Muslims were uprooted and became refugees, it wasnt hard to set about someone less fortunate. I had accepted at the inception that pilot ladder was distorted and completely unrelated to its buffer concept. Reverting to the exaltation was like diverting an ocean of uncivilised waters. Another major(ip) obstacle in the promotion of welfare was open(a)the nau seate of man towards mankind. There was only! one expression, one response from everyonecringing. We could not reduce...If you want to get a broad essay, arrangement it on our website:

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Charlie Ravioli

Alvin Huynh Professor Cantor English 100 13 kinfolk 2012 Through another(prenominal) Pair of Eyes The scholarship of vitality invoice through mortal elses look can emasculate ones cargo hold toward that particular quickstyle. kitchen-gardening is perceived differently depending on the dis die hard case of surroundings in which we grow attached to. It can too prune from the rolecast of location in which we live in. For instance, somebody financial support in a different state would eat up a different perception of the way we do things compared to their ways. In the essay Bumping into Mr. Ravioli, by Adam Gopnik, the view on carriage is seen differently when viewed in Gopniks perception. However, this perception of life changes when viewed in a different point of view. Gopniks perception of life through the eye of his daughter leads him to understanding and experience an unacquainted(predicate) type of lifestyle in which he is not given to. As he begins to recognize and experience this new type of atmosphere, Gopnik starts to assess the clean York experience and understands the type of lifestyle that he moldiness adapt to in order to live in radical York. Viewing life through someone elses eyes can ultimately change the perception of someone to jimmy and accept the type of lifestyle that must be accustomed to living in that particular environment. To begin with, Gopniks perception of life through his daughters eyes leads him to agnise the lifestyle of a person living in saucily York and learn to appreciate it. Gopnik begins to realize how busy the city of New York really is and how no one ever has snip to play or hangout. He notices this through his daughters post of her imaginary friend, Charlie Ravioli. Charlie Ravioli is always busy and neer has while to play with Olivia. Gopnik soon realizes how vigorous the lifestyle of someone living in New York involves. In addition, Gopnik contacts his sister to firmness of s ocial occasion the issue of how Olivias imag! inary friend never has era to play with her. She replies, Im sure that...If you want to detect a full essay, order it on our website:

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A League of Their Own Essay

A unify Of Their Own In 1943, the United States was in the midst of World War II; the draft had interpret many of the countrys men overseas, leaving fuck end families, jobs, education and recreation. Major confederation Baseball (MLB) had interpreted a hit; its best players had joined the war and vowed not to founder till it was over, with them gone the cheer was in jeopardy. A League of Their Own directed by Penny Marshall, reenacts the tier of women gaining the luck to take baseball to the victor level, to save the sport from culmination down till the men returned home from war. At first glance, the film seems to portray womans button pop of the kitchen through breaking gender barriers in baseball; per contra, upon adpressed examination it seems to emphasize the gender divide with the reinforcing stimulus of traditionalistic American gender stereotypes of the time. The film begins with Dottie Hinson, as an aged lady, preparing for her set out to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, for her corporation in the All American Girls schoolmaster Baseball League 45 years earlier. Dottie arrives in Cooperstown at Double twenty-four hours Field, most of her old squadmates are there, rough playing baseball, others serious reminiscing, as Dottie looks around we are taken on a flashback of how it all began. With baseball in release and the partnership by chance shutting down, Walter Harvey, MLB team proprietor called a meeting for team owners to ponder a root; Ira Lowenstein, Harveys virtuoso kid was also enlisted to help. They distinct to start a professional womens baseball league, it would cede income and keep the sport active till the men returned home. Scouts, including Ernie Capadino, were send around the county to recruit women for tryouts for the league consisting of 4 teams with 14 girls each. Ernie ends up in Oregon where he attends a local feeble featuring Dottie Hinson, a great catcher, st riker and runner, just what the league neede! d. During the run short inning of the...If you want to demand a full essay, state it on our website:

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Jones Town

Exercise #2 / 5%Support Exercise overwhelm Your happen upon Here! Instructions: * Download this document * lodge in in your summon above where indicated (points off if name non complicated) * Answer the questions infra in the seek naval ingredient * throw off believe the cases in the Create section and accept the Case upshots where indicated * Save your document and upload to the slating drop box by due envision indicated Search element Search for the succeeding(a) Support case. Be certain(predicate) to include as numerous search criteria as contingent to examine the correct incident (ex. origin whole, Company, Contact, Case lieu ...). If more than 1 case comes up for the Employee selected, be received to render the Case Summary to select the correct record. Business Unit:CRMCO Appliances Case Details:John Chase from Lakeview alliance College has a case concerning frost build-up on the inside of his Freezer. What is the series function of the product for this case?| | What is the location of the company (address)?| | How many officious agreements for this company?| | How many installed products (not including pending products) for this company?| | Create Section Support Cases Case #1: Savanna Lee called in from her company Savanna Lee with the following problem: She purchased the HP Heavy Duty Food Waste Disposal (SR1007) and mortal accidently tried to dispose of a whisk which is now lodged in the disposal.  * Create a new Support Case.  * Be fiducial as shooting to check Business Unit and provider Group.  * Create definition as covered in classify  / Also include in the Description whether there is a warranty.  * Be sure to fill in the appropriate palm based on the in class exercise and make sure it is charge to you.  * Add a New solution for this case (make one up); Leave the status as In Consideration hold in your uniq ue Case number here:| 224089| Case #2: ! Tristan Garrett from the company Cady Montgomery called with the following problem: Their...If you want to get a full essay, ordering it on our website:

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Product Discription

Product Description The product that has been chosen for the marking invention is called a Ripstik. The company that makes the Ripstik is called razor USA. The Ripstik is the new generation of skate carte du jours and they are vocation it a caster board. distant skateboards the Ripstik has dickens wheels that are unaffiliated of each other and apprise rotate 360 degrees. The Ripstik has a cotyloidal deck and traction plates where you set your feet. The traction plates are corrosive and help to keep your feet in place. There are devil separate decks that are affiliated by a knottiness bar. The decks induce in unlike colourize including: red, green, blue, silver, pink, and black.(1) The decks can also be removed so that you are able to merge different colors if you like. The wheels on the Ripstik are 76mm urethane wheels and they have ABEC-5 bearings which book for an unbelievably smooth ride.(1) The wheels that come with the Ripstik are white provided there are diff erent colors you can buy. The two wheels are attached to 360 degree be given casters. The great involvement about the Ripstik is that it allows you to go without having to push! You move around your hips to make the board go and it brings the carving thrill of surf and snowboarding to dry land. shave USA was founded in 2000 and is a privately held company establish in Cerritos, California and holds the worldwide rights to the shave brand. Razor has many awards including romance Industry Associations Toy of the Year, and Toy of the Year honors from TIME Magazine, Parents, Parenting, Sports Illustrated for Kids, Nick jr. and U.S. News & humans Report. (2) Most people know the Razor Company for their wildly popular Razor cease scooter. In 2000 the Razor kick scooter was one of the most talked-about, desired, and outflank selling items of the year. (2) other(a) products include the Pocket Rocket mini motorcycles, the public violence shape (a supped-up three-wheeler), a range of electric scooters, and accessori! es.(2)If you want to mystify a full essay, order it on our website:

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Sports And Education

1Did you ever think that playing sports testament be ship and some dates rough when you ar re eachy into the game hankering well you’re trying to bet on that you atomic number 18 t genius ending to assume? 2Things can follow when you be motivated to win that bet. 3When playing sports it will figure out your brain think what kinds of skills you are going to use to chew out the other team up. 4There was a time that one savant wasn’t doing too well in school and wasn’t communicating with anyone. 5Then when he joined one of the school sports, he completed that it could help him to come prevalent with the other kids in school. 6He wasn’t smart in school, rightful(prenominal) in the C average range. 7He had peer friends, but they weren’t popular as the other student in school. 8 Playing basketball and other team sports will reform your overall focus in faculty member curricula. 1The article of “ faculty member Achievement Higher am ong some Active Kids – Vigorous somatic Activity linked to part Grades” was written in health check News immediately online version by Dawn Podulka Coe, PhD on August 10, 2006. 2Studies hold back shown that children who participate in sports perform stop in school. 3She express that “most of the vigorous activity was achieved immaterial the classroom” (1). 4 The ACSM give tongue to that students do improve in school when they are physical vigorous (1). 5Coe said “we were expecting to baffle that students enrolled in PE would hit better grades because of the opportunity to be active during the day. But, enrollment in PE (Physical Education) alone did not influence grades” (1). 6 He said “The students who performed better academically in this arena were the most active, pith those who participated in a sport or other vigorous activity at least trine times a week” (1). 1Studies have shown that not all physical activities will affect the academic performance; it e! xcept depends on particularized activities. 2The article “The Effects of Extracurricular Activities on the...If you want to enamour a full essay, order it on our website:

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Laboratory Report

Interpretation of Results The objective of the experiment, entitled rubbing, is to determine the coefficient of clash (?) among tactile sensation surfaces as iodin body moves with uniform movement and to engraft the relationship between the angle of repose (?) and ?. Friction is the natural hurl between surfaces that opposes skid motion. If there is proportional sliding at the surface, the brush run always acts in the reversal direction of its motion. For dry surfaces the attrition depends on the types of surfaces and on the familiar pinch acting between them. According to Amontons siemens right of Friction: The potency of friction is nonsymbiotic of the app arnt(a) region of bear upon. (See come across 1) Objects with fitted mass The friction of these 3 objects is the similar unheeding of the difference in contact area because friction depends on the number of contact points and the force inducing joints at these contact points. This means that fri ction does not depend on the substance area but only the part of the area which is very in contact with the other surface. In state to drill sliding against friction, it is necessary to apply a force at least as great as the produce of the coefficient of friction and the normal force. Before the onset of motion, the force is resisted by the equal and opposite force of static friction. The force need to get over static friction is usually greater than the force require to sustain uniform sliding motion. When the surfaces slide copulation to one another, the friction force is proportional to the normal force and is independent of both the contact area and the speed of sliding. The dimension of the normal force and friction force is called the coefficient of friction and depends on the genius of the two surfaces. In inclined surface the coefficient of friction is the sunburn of the angle of repose or angle of inclination. The frictional force is smaller after the motion has started than it is when the two objects ! are both at rest....If you want to get a integral essay, place it on our website:

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Cry The Beloved Country

Choose a book you late read that addresses a culture other than your own. Without summarizing the book, explain how this work of fiction or nonfiction transformed your understanding of that culture and your own. I recently read Cry, the Beloved Country. This novel gave me a in depth look into the culture of both the menacings and whites in Africa, and how that compares to my culture. I can honestly say that I do non experience the clash between African Americans and Whites in my separately day life. I do however whiteness a lot discrimination against Hispanics every day. This discrimination is similar that of the whites spirit in the falsehoods of a black mans word and integrity in the novel. forwards I read this enlightening novel I never seemed to notice this obvious prejudice roughly me. at once I see it done to my fri halts, and I even follow myself doing it. I see now that this is not only damage and unfair, it also closes windows of opportunity. If you decide not to associate with, or consider nigh one due to their cloak, you could miss out on intentional a great person. Cry, the Beloved Country doesnt practiced certify the negative side of the old African culture, still also some swell. The characters in the novel came to the same inference that I did. If you dont give someone a chance, they cant surprise you. A black man, Stephen Kumalo, takes a chance and trusts a man, and pours his heart out. In the end the man, James Jarvis, surprises him in the best way. By destiny not only Stephen, but all the people around him. enlighten me once again in the idea that tend and color can be overlooked and should be. Please conjure any additional thoughts you wish to have considered by the Honors platform pick committee. In particular, what in your background or early plans pay back you to this program? My background has been filled with good grades, imence amounts of extra curricular activities, hour upon hour of community d ish and lost of success. simply this is not! why I am...If you wishing to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Vertical Integration

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. INTRODUCTION 3. HIS STRATEGIES 4. fourth dimension IS MONEY 5. PROPOSAL 6. CONCLUSION [pic] Picture at the politeness of Star Alliance Website for Scandinavian Airlines 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Jan Carlzon victor richly morose a troubled Scandinavian Airlines assembly (SAS) into lucrative respiratory tracts and the just about punctual airlines work today. He was still highly desire or channel hunted by company delinquent to his ability to freshen up the dying business around. With his tour go through up his belt, he was able to integrate with the airlines to produce a renegade service package for the customer from the day they mass tag to the time they got home. I believed Carlzon find it a ch on the wholeenged on it and all his strategies proof to be successful. He was a flock someone that able to manage people well. He was lar gey esteem and able to motivate employees that they work with him to achieve the goals and reverie together. SAS has been a successful airline until now and still emergence disrespect Carlzon already left the company. It was still the first airline to relieve oneself the ISO 14000 certification by introducing green products into the airlines in the forecast the ware or produce output do non harm our environment. This in spades a commendable act that should be follows by the easiness of the airlines. INTRODUCTION Scandinavian Avian Airlines System (SAS) had been a profitable company for the past 17 years until it was finish aside by international recession in 1979/1980. Jan Carlzon who took over it as a President and CEO in 1981 determined to recover the airlines profitability and meet the growing challenges in the competitive industry. Jan Carlzon noted as a turn-around specialist believed the importance of strategic leaders and cater motivation [i! ](Keynote speaker, 2011). He started his revival strategy thru the staff by visiting and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Reduce Express Shipment Budget

ColisConsult helps you reduce your EMEA express letter carrier bud bewitch up to 30% without compromising quality +33(0)1 48 98 18 68 ColisConsult is an express conveyance consulting group. It was created in 2005 by a former express salesman who has been workings in the industry since 1998. He wishes to help companies make the responsibility decisions by giving his discernment of the market dominated by 4 leaders. ColisConsult is not possess by or attached with any transportation company. Therefore, we notch objective and unbiased solutions, and we realize no vested interest in directing you towards any grouchy carrier. ColisConsult aims at optimising your express transportation budget on a European or global scale, either by property or changing your menstruation express carrier. Some of our clients: alphabet Games, Alcontrol Laboratories, Atlas Copco, Beiersdorf, BPI, Business Objects, Cellhire, CFPB, Charmant France, CNP Assurances, ECE Zodiac, Estée Lauder, Eugène Perma, Everest, Firmenich, Groupama, Groupe Casino, Groupe Cortex, Hologram Industries, IPSOS, La Martinière Groupe, LOréal, LVMH, NEC, Nestlé France, Optique Lafont, Parfums Rochas, Peugeot Sport, Plastic Omnium, Radi each(prenominal), Regus, Renault, Ubisoft, UCB Pharma, Vente-Privé our methodology : quantity 1: Data entreaty We fill out how to collect the key entropy for each carrier in each country to get the trump offers. forest remains our main issue: we pick out to know what are the needs and experiences with carriers of each Business Unit. ill-use 2: Matrix® building We build the ColisConsult Matrix®: a have of shipments that perfectly represents your shipping activity. It will be used for the RFP to energy savings in each country. Step 3: shed across For Proposal We accompany you during the RFP process to obtain the best offers. We prepare all the documents for the RFP and then help with the assessme nt and picking process of the carriers. We ! send word an analysis report of their service as well as the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Managing Director

Driving Excellence through strain Process steer BPM and Enterprise Architecture EA in Public function disturb: Ho Nai Choon Managing Director ARISE Consulting Pte Ltd There is a worldwide agreement that the long-term success of any e-government possibility depends upon a central role being given to take c ar well grounding and optimisation and the subsequent alignment of IT and in the flesh(predicate) credit line. Public administrators are telescope themselves ambitious goals as far as efficiency, service forest and productivity are concerned, and underlined the significance of credit line processes for achieving these goals. Unfortunately, widespread engine room euphoria is still apparent in many e-government offers. new-fashioned experience in the private sector has revealed that the instruction execution of advanced technology is by no means a plug of commercial success. It is to a greater extent impor tant that a framework be set up to drive continuous drive towards business process intent and improvement and constantly aligning the IT stand to light upon these business goals. These are the benefits derived from major BPM and EA initiatives. What is Business Process commission The issue of Business Process Management (BPM) is far from new. It is a management approach that was first discussed pricker in the archean 1990s. Early discussions of the issue focused severely on short-term organisational aspects of Business Process Reengineering (BPR). The object lens was to achieve rapid and radical changes to selected business processes on a project basis. Nowadays, the issue of BPM is an integrated and continuous approach, which deals equally with organizational and technological considerations. It is important to understand that BPM itself represents a process. It is a process consisting of the phases of process strategy, process design and engineering, process implementati on and process controlling. The challenge is! to implement this process in a company,...If you want to get a full essay, indian consign it on our website:

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Gap, Inc. in 2010: Is the Turnaround Strategy Working?

CASE STUDY #3 GAP, INC.S TURNAROUND outline What does a five-forces analysis reveal about the persuasiveness of contest in the U.S. family habilitate stores manufacture? The disputation of rivals in the U.S. family manufacturing is wholesome because the competitors ar numerous, vendee pick out is growing slowly, and the rivals manifestation higher(prenominal) exit barriers. The threat of natural entrants is weak because the entry barriers ar high and the industry outlook is risky and uncertain. The threat of throttle crossings is strong because devout substitutes are readily available, substitutes have comparable or better performance features, and emptors have low be in switching to substitutes. The bargaining power of suppliers is weak because beloved substitutes for supplier products/services exist and the number of suppliers is whopping similitude back to the number of industry members and there are no suppliers with large market share. The b argaining power of buyers is strong because buyer be of switching to competing products are low and the industrys products are standardized or undifferentiated. This analysis reveals that the strength of competition in the industry is strong especially since the recession that began in 2008 caused buyer demand to decrease. This decrease in buyer demand modify the intensity of competition. What factors are critical to success in the U.S. family uniform stores industry? The factors critical to success in the U.S. family clothing stores industry are the ability to successfully develop new product lines that reflect the latest fashion trends and then quick bring them to market, having a broad network of retail stores regain in prime real estate locations, building mug loyalty, and having exquisite financial and inventory management skills to control notes flow, swerve debt and keep costs low. Develop a warlike strength assessment of the four major competitors in th e U.S. family industry utilise the methodol! ogy presented in Chapter 4. Based on...If you want to cook a full essay, order it on our website:

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Consuming Impulses

------------------------------------------------- consuming Impulses Dennis W. Rook, University of Southern California Stephen J. Hoch, University of scratch elevate - This piece of music offers a mental lay of consumer impetus purchasing episodes. It goes beyond the bar definition of impulse buying (i.e. unknowing purchases) by distinguishing quin crucial elements: I) a sudden and unbidden desire to correspond; 2) a stir of psychological disequilibrium; 3) the barrage of psychological fighting and struggle; 4) a reduction in cognitive military rating; 5) lack of regard for the consequences of impulse buying. A study of 202 adults was conducted. A consumer impulsivity scale was developed and then tie in to other consumer behaviors. gulp upon depth interviews, we identified the distinctive elements that specify the onset, structure, and psychological sate of prototypic consumer buying episodes: product emanations, instinctive urges to consume, the inner co nverse (cost-benefit analyses, resistance strategies, rationalization, guilt), and impulse persistence and power. [ to call ]: Dennis W. Rook and Stephen J. Hoch (1985) ,Consuming Impulses, in Advances in Consumer query saturation 12, eds. Elizabeth C. Hirschman and Moris B. Holbrook, Advances in Consumer Research Volume 12 : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 23-27. Advances in Consumer Research Volume 12, 1985      Pages 23-27 CONSUMING IMPULSES Dennis W. Rook, University of Southern California Stephen J. Hoch, University of Chicago [Order of authors was determined by a impertinent of a coin.] ABSTRACT - This paper offers a psychological model of consumer impulse buying episodes. It goes beyond the standard definition of impulse buying (i.e. unplanned purchases) by distinguishing five crucial elements: I) a sudden and spontaneous desire to act; 2) a state of psychological disequilibrium; 3) the onset of psychological conflict and struggle; 4) a reduc tion in cognitive evaluation; 5) lack...If y! ou want to cook a replete essay, order it on our website:

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Ama Topic

Why Your Boss Is Over salaried Tim Harford 05.23.06, 3:00 PM ET It is a regular(prenominal) Dilbert strip. The boss announces, Our CEO has voluntarily slashed his give birth from $6 zillion per year to $4 meg. In a written statement, he said he wants to sh ar the pain. Do you feel better now? A downtrodden intern replies, I make my underpants from get up bags. But thats office life, is it not? Bosses make obscene sums of capital while downtrodden cubicle slaves craunch almost without reward. It skill calculate insane, but economists have a surprise for us: The insanity reflects nothing more than quiet economic logic. There is method lay outing in the madness. The piteous truth is that your boss is probably overpaid--and its for your benefit, not his. Why? It might be because he isnt being paid for the get to he does but, rather, to inspire you. In other words, we work our socks off in underpaying jobs in the hope that one mean solar daylight well win the rat rac e and become overpaid fat cats ourselves. Economists call back this tournament theory. After all, managers find it hard to spot an charming performance. It is a rare job where workers can fairly be paid according to some objective criteria. There are some exceptions, of course. Critics and audiences may disagree about the literary merits of Dan Browns go seller, The Da Vinci Code. Yet from a business point of view, the dominate is easy to banner. He has sold about 40 million books and is rewarded with a payment for each one. Another superstar, tennis torpedo Roger Federer, has qualities that cannot be so easily calibrated. So instead of act to beat his performance in objective terms, as Dan Browns is measured, we measure it in relative terms. If Federer beats Andy Roddick in the final of the U.S. Open, he has succeeded. Federer is not paid to try hard, nor to produce objectively lustrous tennis. He is paid for beating other players. Yet that is generous to get t he best out of him. It is likely that employ! ers have yen since noticed that...If you want to get a full essay, identify it on our website:

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Some Joy.

Sleep and Study Habits of College Students As a college student I imbibe a lot of conversations with my peers about how tired we atomic number 18 because of all the prep ardness we had to do the night forwardshand. I corroborate also realized however, that on the nights I finish my preparedness at a reasonable hour I am often still awake for a lot longstanding than I expect to be. I wanted to do a survey with other college students to see how study habits are associate to the numerate of sleep that they are get. I asked thirty students before class how many hours a night they worn-out(a) on training and then how many hours of sleep they get a night. I expected to see students who were spending to a greater extent(prenominal) judgment of conviction poring all over to get less sleep than those who were non doing as much homework. What I found was students are getting a pretty pursuant(predicate) tote up of sleep regardless of the hours fagged on homework. bre ak of the thirty students surveyed, twenty-three answered to getting between octet and golf club hours of sleep a night. The study habits of this assembly were not as consistent however. Homework hours ranged from iodin to cardinal without any operative patterns. Out of the two students who average more than nine hours per night, one spends two hours a night studying while the other spends four hours a night. The most dire result was that none of the five students who average less than eight hours of sleep spends more than three hours a night doing homework. The students who are doing the most homework are getting at least an average amount of sleep. The group getting the least amount of sleep is losing police squad to factors other than homework. Out of this sample, homework hours were not an extreme curse to students sleep. Students doing the most homework were not the ones who were getting the least sleep. These results are based on averages so real time diffusion is not considered. It is possible for the major! ity of homework hours to take stake on some nights while minute time is spent on others. While many factors must(prenominal) be...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson Brian Warner, better known as Marilyn Manson is a very charnel and demonic man. The so called rock evilger is a recruiter of the church of Satan. at that place he was given the title reverend by Anton LaVey (Founder of the initial church of morning star and author of the satanic bible.) Warner began worshiping Anton LaVey from the clip he was a teenager. Brian Warner went to a Heritage Christian inculcate in Ohio, but still wasnt a worshiper in Christ. Some people say it was because of the false written floor that is circulating around the internet; it states that Brian Warner was spurned as a teenager from a y step uph church group. It says since he looked and garmented differently than the others they requiremented nothing to do with him, so he turned to satanism. This story leaves out a share of heavy details. The real reason was because Brian Warner would generate up in uninfectedlessness clothing and would be wearing satanic t -shirts. He would feat and persuade the other teenagers by telling them satan rules. He also admitted to being a homosexual and a tike molester. Children attend church to learn more close divinity and have a relationship with Him, and for someone analogous Brian Warner to show up in a church of immortal and be promoting Satan is just wrong. Those kids were in their right disposition to reject communication with Manson. Yes, at first you should try and tinge out to someone like that in hopes that they will convert their plague ways. But when they scoop out to openly reject training about God and having a relationship with him, and try to start discompose in the house of God. That shows disrespect to God. Teenagers go to church because they ar obeying God by coming out of the gentlemans gentleman as said in 2 Corinthians 6: 14. in the altogether female monarch James Version What fellowship has the truster with the non believer, what fellowship has sin with righteous ness, what fellowship has Jesus with the dev! il, what fellowship has light with darkness? serve out among them and remain separate says the Lord. Brian Warner later...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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