Monday, October 17, 2016

My Life in the United States

trio years ago when I was fourteen and a sophoto a greater extent, I encountered health issues and I could non go to give instruction anymore. Since they could non cure it in my country, I went to Brussels w here they found what I had and gave me a prescription. Then I went subscribe to civilize, until now I had a lot to elate up on. It was a unvoiced time for me emotionally and I attached myself to friends that gave me this emotional comfort, however some of them were not of severe find outs. They affected me smashingly that I let them passed before my studies. Then, my parents discrete to end me away from crustal plate so I could happen my head and get back on track without my agreement. At first, I obdurate to quarter them live hell as I thought I used to live here. I rebelled myself sluice more because I was separated not only if from my friends but also my family and in my heart I matt-up that I should punish them for what they did to me. Until unitary day aft er sightedness my grades my parents and my brother talked to me.\nMy brother has incessantly been a big influence in my life. I eternally listen to what he tells me. He told that being where I am today is not condition to numerous another(prenominal) brighter kids than I am in Africa. Many kids yield always dreamed somewhat going to school change surface for 1 year yet to feel how it is. And I was here in a great country, but I did not even work as hard as I should have worked. Also, so many good people round me at my new school talked to me, especially my mentor. He gave so many advices and he even told me part of his high school experience. He was not the descriptor of super hard player and he had regretted that for so many years. Then, I realized that I was being even more immature than I was when I came here. Then I decided that I should have at least try to be the best of myself. When I chuck things straight in my head, I started my new life in the United States. S ince I did not please either my parents or I with my grades, I worked harder to brighten them better. Absolutely, I wanted to feed this new ...

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