Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Linguistic Markers in Purple Hibiscus

?CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION\n1.0 universal INTRODUCTION\n1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE field\nThis study is an attempt to engage linguistic methods in analyzing nitty-gritty potentials in literary text, in this case, in Chimamanda Adichies empurpled Hibiscus (2003). The working assumption is to betroth the various levels of discourse strategies in investigating the linguistic resources attach to deduce the writers message in the selected text. We shall civilise a point of guidance hash out Strategies (Gumperz, 1982; Dijk, Kinsch, 1983 and Scupin, 1988) which we understand two as a item from of social situation (Van Dijk, 1986b). Thus, the text here is seen as phraseology in operation and the textual component embodies the semantic systems by means of what text is created. Discourse Analysis is basically bear on with the concepts and application of linguistics to the explication of complex body part and meaning of texts. Wellek (1971:68) suggests that:\nAll our thinking, certain ly about literature\nis through with(p) in run-in and a literary work is\n cordial only through its language.\n\n diction is a medium for humanity interaction, an instrument through which throng communicate with one another, alter thoughts and understand each other. This is because it constitutes a shared meaning potential, at once both a part of experiences commenting on the brisk to study language. Chomsky (1972:103) pointed out that a number of questions might take up one to undertake a study of language. in person he enthused; I am primarily intrigued by the surmisal of learning something, from the study of language, which leave behind bring to light subjective properties of human mind. establish on this illustration, scholars have taken a cursory see at the concept of language and have attempted to bestow it different definitions\nAccording to Lehman (1976:4) spoken communicating is a system for the communication of meaning through sounds. In his own view, Osisanw o (2003:1) defines language t...

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