Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The War to End All Wars

ball state of strugglefare I is cognize for being one the intimately significant state of warfares written consume in history. It claimed millions of lives, took hope away(p) from soldiers, and make the greed of workforce grow. This altered the map of Europe, the equalizer of power, and future wars forever by bringing parvenu strategies and new technology to the battlefield. Seeing these forceful changes make a with child(p) amount of writers expressed their predict for hope in their publications when the war had only begun, the likes of H.G. Wells in prideful 14, 1914. He expressed his beliefs astir(predicate) why human race state of war One was THE war THAT impart END ALL WAR. The fact that it involved a grownup amount of countries, that badgering and slaughter was the main chemical group and how it was based in the pipe dream of power over all, made stack hope that this war allow end it all.\nWorld struggle I was public because it involved a big amount of different countries who came in concert as allies to demean opposite countries (Map of 1917: Countries tough, BBC). In the process of the war the hail of countries increase and flow because of what World War I turned out to be. The war started with little countries neertheless this war became so powerful that other countries had to join, like for Example, USA. USA didnt join this war at first, they just send weapons to this war, but the Germans had a specific heraldic bearing and if they let USA check sending weapons, their chances of winning were less, so they destroyed USAs ships. On April 6, 1917, the U.S. joined its allies--Britain, France, and Russia--to flake in World War I (U.S entered World War I April 6, 1917, Americas Library). People though that it was some other war, but when countries started allying, big amounts of countries joined, people realized that this war was different. The number of countries involved in this war made people cipher that this was a war that would never end, but it also made them think that when it did no wars will ever come once more because it left some oftentimes da...

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